Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 6 June 2 Let the Eiffle Tower Sparkle

Espresso (thank god I have a friend like Gretchen to keep correcting me so I do not look like an idiot in front of the Europeans) has become our new best friend. The 5 Euros that Josh gave me for espresso came in handy when jetlag set in, and the sun started to go down in Paris. We ran into Sara Winters and Meg Wright - which definately made our trip more exciting. Out of all the fun we had in Paris. .. .

Top 5

1. photo exhibit outside of gates of luxenborg gardens
2. 1st expresso of pari with brown sugar cubes at the javel stop
3. le ciel de pari-champagne with friends from home
4. falafel in the jewish quarter at chez marianne
5. mustard. oh the mustard.

Day 3 May 3 Leaving London

Leaving London . .. . we need relief from the pound.

Top 5 things in London:

1. British Library
2. Portobella Road
3. Jenna's co-workers at Thomas Reuters
4. Tate Modern
5. Jenna's Apartment